Saturday, August 22, 2020

Who Is Pepsis Biggest Competitor Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Who Is Pepsis Biggest Competitor - Term Paper Example Their items, which incorporate nourishments, drinks, and bites, contend with different items from different makers on the grounds of value, cost and their assortment of items and their dispersion efficiencies. Their accomplishment in showcasing their items has generally emerged from their achievement in advancing their current items, the viability of their commercial battles, their promoting programs, bundling of their items and their valuing methodologies (PepsiCo, p.28). Their prosperity has additionally been encouraged by their expanded efficiencies in their creation strategies, their trademark and brand advancement and their assurance inside the area, local and overall markets. The organization accepts that with the goal for them to have the option to contend viably, their brands and promoting systems ought to be solid. They additionally accept that their advancements and the nature of their items and their adaptable appropriation channels will permit their organization to stay s erious in all the business sectors they manage (PepsiCo, p.29). The Company utilizes the straight-line strategy of figuring their deterioration and amortization. As indicated by the company’s 2008 money related reports, the deterioration and amortization of the unmistakable resources that they own is done on a five-year premise. Furthermore, the company’s 2011 yearly budgetary reports demonstrate that their country’s charge laws expect them to incorporate their devaluation costs at intermittent interims of five years (PepsiCo, p.36). The Pepsi Company had approved 3,600 portions of regular stock in the year 2011 as indicated by their yearly reports.â

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Constantine 01x10 Quid Pro Quo

Constantine 01x10 Quid Pro Quo This is John Constantine. Leave your name and soul, and I’ll get back to you.   My dear Mr. Constantine my name is Lechter. Doctor Hannibal Lechter. Ive noticed that over the course of the past few episodes, youve copied my wardrobe and titled an episode over a rather particular phrase which I brought to popularity in the early 1990s. Now, I should be angry, Mister Constantine, but I assure you I am not. Id simply like to invite you to dinner tomorrow night, so I can pick your brains on the matter Dave: We begin with the simplest of simple cold opens. New York City at night. A robed, hooded man on a rooftop chanting in Latin. He summons a black smoke that drifts down the chimney and into a girl’s room, where she’s playing with her dolls. Jay: A room full or children’s dolls can be pretty creepy….but we get a big CGI thing instead. Dave: Yup, the CGI smoke surrounds her. The doll she was holding drops to the ground. Roll Credits. Back at the bunker, Constantine is renewing the protections after the Resurrection Crusade made their attempt to nab Zed. Jay: We get a little back story for Zed. I wonder, will we see this story play out in the next few episodes, or where they saving it for the episodes that didn’t get picked up? Dave: Good question â€" it does feel like there’s too much story there for the last few episodes of the season. I do like that John pushes her here â€" it’s getting more urgent, as it should. I also like the bit where Zed asks John why he’s helping her, and he says he “survives on instinct.” That feels like a good answer for John. I think an outsider might point to John’s anti-authoritarian streak, his need to take the bullies of the world, but I’m not convinced that John would be aware enough of that trait to make that his answer. I like the idea that, in his mind, he just goes with his gut. Oh… the map is back. Plot Alert! Magic is heating up in New York, and coincidentally Chas is already on his way to Brooklyn because it’s his weekend with his daughter! Will we finally dive into the enigma that is CHAS? Jay: HI CHAS! We’re getting some of the back story you’ve been looking for. Every time I hear (Don’t Fear) The Reaper I think of Orange Is The New Black. Dave: Right? It’s a little on the nose for the guy whose role on the show is to die over and over. That said, I suddenly have this funny idea that it’s not actually a coincidence on the radio, but rather a special MP3 mix that Chas makes when he goes on road trips. He calls it his “Its a Dead Mans Party Mix.” Jay: Music to not knock ‘em dead. Dave:  So, the drive turns into a flashback, as you noted, and we go back in time to a bar where John is leaving with a girl. We don’t know if this is before or after Newcastle… Jay: I like drunken John’s designated-driver spell. Dave: What I really dig is that we don’t have any sound effects or special music to let us know that this is a REAL spell. This is what it looks like if you’re hanging out with a guy who says he does magic, and you kinda don’t really believe him. Jay: Hey, a metal gig that leads to demonic goings on. Say, don’t I know someone who has written a comic very much like that….. Dave: Heh, ahem… yeah, well, I’m still waiting on that one to be drawn, but, anyway… yeah, we have a metal band, and some out of control pyrotechnics that turn into a fire. Chas stays inside and tries to help everyone.   Is Chas already resurrectable? We’re not sure at this point, but back in the present… Jay: Wow, this show is going artifact crazy. Dave: uh, yeah, is that Aleister Crowley’s… shaving kit? OCCULT ARTIFACT #1 … and a bracelet made from the actual sinew of Achilles’ heel… OCCULT ARTIFACT #2 Which John packs into his kit. So we’re all prepared, as we cut to Chas, who has arrived in Brooklyn to see his daughter. Only it’s too late â€" she’s in a coma (she, of course, was the girl from the cold open). John and Zed arrive at the hospital soon after, and John uses Occult Artifact #1 to learn that there are “celestial burn marks,” which is what happens when the soul is sucked out of your body. Jay: How do you separate a soul from the body? Personally, I’ve always found that money helps. Dave: He’ll be here all week, folks. But, as we’re told, the soul being separated from the body is not possible. It’s the Holy Grail ofâ€" Jay: I cringe a little when characters say “black magic,” that just feels corny to me. Dave: It almost has to be done tongue-in-cheek at this point. Anyway, from here we go into another flashback: Chas wakes up in the hospital after the bar fire, his wife and daughter at his side. Jay: “They told us you were dead when they pulled you out of that fire…” aha. Here we go. Dave: Yeah â€" seems pretty clear that this is his first brush with resurrection. Back in the present, John takes Zed and Chas to a medium he knows to see if they can contact Chas’ daughter’s (Geraldines) spirit, and thus use her as a homing device. Jay: I do like that John has to go to a medium, that he’s not simply the expert in whatever the plot needs,  which is a trap this kind of show would often fall into. Kind of reminds me of a difference between Raiders Of The Lost Ark and the other Jones films; In Raiders, he’s not the best at everything. He’s bad at other languages and he makes mistakes. But in the other films, comics and books he’s always the expert on whatever is needed. This random tangent has been brought to you by: Jay’s Obsessive Brain. Dave: It’s a good point, though. One of the easiest things to do with magic is to always have the mage know just the right thing. On another note: I also like that Chas has much more at stake in this episode. It changes the dynamic. Usually, he’s just following John around, which has resulted in him feeling tangential to the stories â€" popping in just to die or do a thing. Now, we know where he’s coming from, and so that moment when he snatches the gun from the medium and turns it on him? Excellent. You wouldnt like him when hes angry The medium starts a séance using water from the River Jordan… OCCULT ARTIFACT #3 … I suppose… But the séance doesn’t go well. A powerful entity reaches through the medium, someone who KNOWS Constantine, and then he burns the medium to well done. (Sorry.) Jay: I liked that the medium gets toasted. The episode has felt a little….subdued so far, and this moment kicked it up a little. The show is sticking to the idea of consequences and permanent costs. A spell has gone wrong here and someone dies. I told you to keep holding hands no matter WHAT happens. See what youve done? Dave: Exactly. But this isn’t quite a dead end. Zed uses her psychic abilities to connect to an abandon rail yard. The gang heads to the train yard, only to find an empty lot. Or is it? John frisbees a hubcap at the space, and… whammo, cloaking spell! Jay: I liked the idea of the hidden building, but not the reveal. I think -and you’ve said this before- that the CGI is a problem. It always feels like a different show when they use it. I would rather the reveal was done on a cut, or a camera tilt, maybe with some sly joke from John about David Copperfield and the Statue Of Liberty. But having the cgi ripple across the screen just tops the show from feeling spooky or down to earth. Dave: Yeah, it suddenly feels a bit more Star Trek. I much prefer the subtle stuff like the tree of fruit with human skin from a couple episodes back. Jay: Totally agree. The show loses something when it strays away from spooky and practical. But hey, we get Felix Faust! Is it weird that we kind of want him to be ringing a little bell? Dave: Indeed, the big bad of the episode is revealed to be longtime DC magical villain, Felix Faust… cast here as an old man who, in John’s words, has always been the apprentice or second fiddle  to the magical greats. Only now the Rising Darkness has changed things. Faust has figured out how to separate soul from body, and he’s very powerful now. John strikes a bargain â€" he’ll stop a minor demon from lunching on Faust’s stolen souls, if Faust will return Geraldine’s soul. It’s a horrible bargain, but… it’ll buy them time, How much? Oh, at least another flashback’s worth, as John sends Chas back to the hospital because he needs clear heads to do what’s next. Jay: Here we go then. John’s drunken protection spell has given Chas the lives of all the people who were in the fire. So he can die 47 times. I like that, firstly that this big mystery is the result of a drunken spell, and also that it has rules, that it makes a kind of sense, and puts a limit on the plot device. Dave: I also like the Arthurian origins of the spell. It kind of sets up Chas as this gallant knight. He’s been empowered, but there’s a kind of responsibility â€" to make these others’ lives count. Jay: Good point. I like that, it gives him a mission In a very compelling way. Dave: Meanwhile, in the present, John and Zed set a trap for the demon, which is a kind of hellhound-y thing, which John can see usingâ€" OCCULT ARTIFACT #4 â€" Ahem, well, yes, this thing that looks like a piece of bone with a hole in it, that he can use as some kind of mystical X-Ray monocle. No, seriously, you can see their knickers with this! Of course, the trap doesn’t exactly work, but luckily John had stolen a cattle prod from the Army surplus store earlier in the episode, which does the trick. They go back to Faust, who claims they did it wrong, and he tries to make another deal. Chas has other ideas. Like punching out John and taking matters into his own hands. Jay: I like desperate Chas. Dave: Me too. He has a clear point of view in this episode. It may be an obvious thing, as his daughter’s life hangs in the balance, but… I’m glad they’ve given us something. There’s also a flashback mixed in with this bit where we see the cost of working with John Constantine. This is after he’s become the Resurrection Man (ooh, that’s another DC hero, wonder if they can work him into this show?), and it’s sort of become his job to use his extra lives to help John. I like that his wife knows about this, so we get this weird bit of home life where Chas comes home with stories like, “Ah, sorry I’m late, honey… off slaying the Monkey King with John. (I kind of want a laugh track here.) So anyway â€" Chas plays out his final gambit, which involves handcuffing himself to Faust with the Achilles Tendon bracelet thing, and dropping a grenade on the two of them. Chas loses one life, but presumably Faust is gone. Jay: “Happy to do it your way, mate.” I like that, for this scene, Chas is the cleverest person in the room. He outsmarts john -which takes some doing- and also Felix. Dave: I like John trying to console Chas’ ex-wife. “Chas’ line of work is messy.” That leads up to a final flashback, in which we see a scene where Chas had WANTED to reverse the spell that John cast on him. And John’s been trying. But he can’t. So, while he can’t undo what he’s done, he can give Chas a new role. Jay: Wait…wait….I just realized. Chas’s family lives in New York. He has facial hair. That hat that he wears…..he’s not playing some rustic hillbilly….holy crap…he’s a HIPSTER. It’s HIPSTER CHAS. Dave: Oh my god. You  could be right! Is he maybe one of these Lumbersexuals I’ve been hearing about? He’d definitely be at home here in Portland. Could this be whats at the heart of Angry Chas? A Hipster? Jay: I hope we see him on a fixed-gear bike soon. I like that he has a photo album of the people who died in the fire, that he knows about their lives. Again with the idea of costs. Dave: It’s an interesting twist, now that they’ve revealed it. He sort of has to honor the lives and memories of these various souls. And the fact that he’s sharing this with his daughter is a nice touch. Finally, we have a scene with John and Zed in the hospital, Zed having collapsed after trying to psychically reach out to Geraldine during the climax of the episode. Zed has a message from John’s mother â€" her death is not his fault. I’ll admit it; I cringe a little when they bring up John’s mother… only because I worry a bit at how that kind of stuff will be handled. Jay: Yeah, I’d be happy for them to completely forget that plotline. Dave: There’s a tendency there to make everything sort of pre-determined, an Evil at the heart of things that has been setting John on his course his whole life, as opposed to John just mucking about with dark forces on his own and having to pay the costs of that. But we’ll see. This is the first mention of John’s mother since the pilot, if I’m not mistaken. Jay: This episode was solid, but after a run of very good installments, it didn’t really match them. It felt very much like a mid-season episode, expect with the truncated first year, and the rating struggle, it comes at a time when we need to keep up the pace. Still, I’m maybe being overly harsh. There was a lot to like. A lot of neat ideas. Dave:  I agree. Not as strong as the last few, but I do think that we got what we needed with Chas, and I’m hoping that moving forward, all three of our main characters can bounce off of one another more and keep the momentum building. ESSAY QUESTION! Its time for the Great Chas Debate! Hipster or Hillbilly? What is Chas? State your case in the comments below! EXTRA CREDIT: Include 2 or 3 songs that are on Chas Its a Dead Mans Party Mix playlist that support your case. Sign up to The Stack to receive  Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gender, Sexual, And Sexual Behaviors Among Latino Youths

In today s society, the way sexual values are passed on varies among many families, cultures and religious group. Some people say sexual activity is okay if you love the person, other people would say it’s only okay if it’s in a marriage. It all comes down to a person’s morals and values. Latino women are not expected to be highly active in sexual activites, yet studies show that Latina women don’t exactly follow their cultures values. According to â€Å"Sexual Values and Risky Sexual Behaviors among Latino Youths,† by: Tschann, Jeanne MFlores, Elena.Ozer, â€Å"Latino youths have received scarce attention. Yet they merit attention, as Latina women in the United States are at higher risk for adolescent pregnancy than are their non-Latina white counterparts. Latinas are 2.8 times as likely as non-Latina whites to give birth at ages 15–19; overall, they have the highest pregnancy rate and birthrate among all ethnic groups in the United States . Although Latina women initiate sexual intercourse at later ages than non-Latinas, they are less likely to use contraceptives once they begin having sex...Sexual communication may also reflect cultural values. Among adult Latina women, acculturation is positively related to sexual communication with partners, which is positively associated with condom use. However, because Latina women are expected to be chaste or naive, sexual communication between men and women is often considered inappropriate and is therefore limited. (24). Islam is aShow MoreRelatedThe Messages Of Youths Receive From The Two Important Sources Of Information, Parents And Friends1126 Words   |  5 Pagesthe study was to look at the messages that youths receive from the two important sources of information, parents and friends. The study looked to explore the different types of messages being received by youth, and how they differed among parents and friends. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie The Film - 1715 Words

Michael Hughes Romero (the movie) is a biopic movie released in 1989 American biopic which depicts the life and death of the Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, who led peaceful protests against a violent military regime and made sure the people knew the truth, even though this ended up costing him his life. He is portrayed in the movie by Raul Julia. Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdà ¡mez was born in 1917 and died March 24 1980. Romero was a high ranking member of the Catholic Church, who served as the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. He was a very outspoken man with strong political opinions. He spoke out against social injustice, poverty, and the brutalities of Salvadoran life, such as the assassinations and torture that were carried out by the right wing death squads. In 1980 Romero was shot during the middle of a Mass that he was offering in a small hospital chapel in the capital of El Salvador, San Salvador and died. Romero was born on August 15th, 1917 to Santos Romero and Guadalupe de Jà ©sus Galdà ¡mez in Ciudad Barrios in the San Miguel department of El Salvador. Oscar Romero was baptized into the Church shortly after he turned one. He had many siblings, including 2 sisters and 5 brothers. Romero entered public school for the three years it was offered. He then used a tutor to continue studying until he turned thirteen. Romero then went on to attend the minor seminary in San Miguel, after having graduated from the minor seminary Romero then enrolled in the nationalShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Movie Of A Film 2032 Words   |  9 Pagesthe auteur category of films, we went from films having a clear plot, ending, and meaning, to films having endings, plots, and meanings the audience had to actually sit and think about to find to find out what exactly the director was trying to portray. This is caused by directors that are considered auteurs. 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That included having an opportunity in employment, voting rights, having access to public facilities, education andRead MoreFilm Analysis : Movie Of A Film 1233 Words   |  5 PagesFor anyone who has ever watched a film is a critic in some form. They judge various aspects based on personal feelings or attitudes, then state them for anybody to hear. I, the writer, am guilty of this type of film analysis. I based my ‘review’ of a film solely on how I felt the narrative evolved or how well the acting was done. I never considered why the rhetor of film choose certain details or what might have influenced the rhe tor in the first place. However, through this course I was exposedRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film And Film870 Words   |  4 Pagesthe storylines of films and helps categorise them in order to be identified when people come to look for a film to maybe help determine whether you are going to like the film or not. 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We had to view these insipid films on a geriatric Sony trinitron, snuggled in a cardigan of wood, volume exceedingly loud you could hear a margin of whiteRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Film 1099 Words   |  5 Pagesother videos because it discussed different qualities the city has. I believe that Third Ward is a city where many of its residents are over looked by people in the city next to it, Houston. This video was produced by Andrew Garrison in 2007. In the film the director does an amazing job of highlighting the main problems of Third Ward TX. He also does a good job of highlighting the good things about it. They show the poor part of Texas where they have taken the old houses and renovated them. They madeRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film 1250 Words   |  5 PagesThe film I chose to analyze is Need for Speed. This film portrays two different characters who play on opposite sides of morality. One, Dino, is a char acter who is selfish, lack morals, and is an a-typical jerk. 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Note Tasting Wine and Beer Free Essays

note teasti1/ Morgan’s Bay Chardonnay _ Largely unoaked, this is intentionally crafted in an ‘approachable style’ which translates into something light and easy going – in theory at least. In reality it’s just a bit cheap tasting. 2/ Morgans Bay Shiraz Cabernet, S. We will write a custom essay sample on Note Tasting Wine and Beer or any similar topic only for you Order Now E. Australia _ Classic Australian style, fruit forward easy drinking red 3/ Richmond grove bay of Stone, NV brut _ Freshness of fruit flavors and yeast complexity, are achieved by the inclusion of more than one vintage during assemblage (blending). Gentle pressing produced fresh clean juice with delicate fruit flavors. Harmonious aromas of fresh lemon citrus and red fruits. Intense lemon citrus flavors are balanced with rich creamy yeast characters that lead to a soft, clean finish. 4/ Long Gully Estate Brut Cuvee _Flavours from the classic varieties using a range of winemaking and oak management techniques, creating distinctive cool climate wine styles, marked by their complexity and aging ability. A portion of reserve base wine adds a touch of creamy complexity to what is essentially a zesty easy drinking Sparkling. 5/ Pettavel Evening Star Chardonnay 2008 (Geelong, VIC) Warm summer days and cool nights allow our Chardonnay grapes to retain vibrant and complex fruit flavours. After gentle pressing 35 percent of the juice was transferred to second fill French oak barrels for fermentation, the remaining juice was tank fermented to retain crisp youthful aromas and flavours. Upfront melon and peach flavours are enhanced with subtle oak characters and lingering tropical fruit with a citrus acid finish that ensures the wine will reward both immediate consumption or medium term cellaring. 6/ Heart of Stone Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (Marlborough, NZ) This is a punchy style of savvy with deliciously intense tropical fruit, capsicum and citrus flavours. It’s a weighty and juicy wine to taste – mango, passion fruit, red bell pepper and grapefruit with refreshing acidity and strong personality. 7/ Second Nature Sauvignon Blanc 2010 (Adelaide Hills, South Australia) _ Very pale, almost water white. A very fragrant bouquet of passionfruit, lemon peel and gooseberry. The palate follows through with more gooseberry, passionfruit and lemon peel before a lingering, zesty, mouth filling finish. Excellent crisp acidity made for drinking young and fresh alongside seafood, goat’s cheese and sushi. Like you’re really there. Bouquets of meadow, lemons and lime, grasses, racy and vital, so crisp that it goes crunch, crunch all the way down. Finishing dry and clean, chargrille d fishes are the perfect match! † -Wineweekly. com. au, â€Å"Blond and beautiful, bang for your buck, a whoosh of south seas fruit and green pastures awaken the senses for shrimp, shucked oysters and crustacea! † -Vinicraft. com 8/ Riesling Tahbilk Riesling 2009 (Nagambie Lakes, Central Victoria) _ Tahbilk’s style is more traditional but quite exotic, with aromas of cinnamon and other sweet spices, citrus and white peach. Concentrated, smooth and dry, it’s not as piercing as many young Rieslings but very satisfying. 9/ Neagles Rock Riesling 2010 (Clare Valley, South Australia) _ Expressive, lime-tinged, tangy Riesling whose zesty style is protected by screw-cap closure. 10/ Koonara Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 (Coonawarra, South Australia) _ 18 months in French American barrels have developed a rich, chocolaty Cabernet full of deep mulberries blackberries finishing with a long blackcurrants cream palate. 1/ Angoves Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 (Varies Vineyards, South Australia) _ This wine is deep red in colour, with some purple hues. Complex aromas of red berry integrate with more savoury and red pepper notes and a gentle touch of oak. The palate is rich and mouth filling with flavours following through from the initial impression of berries and more complex capsicum family characters. 12/ Sedona Estate Shiraz 2008 (Yea Valley, Victoria) _ This Shiraz was matured for 20 months in a combination of Fr ench and American oak. Opaque dark red colour with deep dark brick red hue. The nose displays aromas of plum, dark chocolate and liquorice allsorts which are followed by some confectionary end notes, showing excellent intensity. Medium to full bodied with generous flavours of dark chocolate, mocha and confectionary with some spice on the back palate. Fleshy texture with fine grained soft tannins. Aftertaste of dark chocolate, confectionary and spice. 13/Water Wheel Shiraz 2008 (Bendigo, Victoria) _ A rustic red in the glass and with a delicious rhubarb and berry nose, the Shiraz exquisitely blends spice, plums and red berries with a regional touch of cinnamon. Fine tannins see the wine out without overstaying their welcome. A gorgeously well crafted wine from a vintage renowned for its big fruit flavours 14/ Oyster Bay Merlot 2009 (Hawkes Bay 2008, New Zealand) _ Ripe plum and currant, embraced by blackberry and subtle spice with lingering fine grained tannins. The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. 15/ Gibbston Valley Gold River Pinot Noir 2008 (Central Otago, New Zealand) _ Svelte and sensous – a wine of true pleasure. This is a joyful, young, vibrant Pinot that delivers strong varietal flavours. Semi translucent mauve purple colour with mauve purple hue. Lifted nose, freshly macerated strawberry, spice and cherry showing very good varietal lift. Youthful palate flavours of spice and ripe strawberry over ripe joosy dark cherries. Soft and velvet smooth. Youthful and a delight for the short term. 16/ Sedona Estate Cabernet/Merlot 2008 (Yea Valley, Victoria) _The wine has a dense deep red hue with cedar and bramble aromas making up the bouquet. The palate is filled with flavours of plums, blackcurrant and persistent fine tannins. How to cite Note Tasting Wine and Beer, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Literary Terms Essay Example

Literary Terms Essay University of Phoenix Material Define each of the 11 terms listed below. These definitions must be in your own words; if you use any outside sources, it must be paraphrased, not quoted, and all such sources must be cited using APA citation practices. Additionally, each definition must also identify and explain an example of the term found in one or more of the reading assignments for Week One. LITERARY TERMS AND CONCEPTS TO DEFINE – Week One Allusion- An allusion is a reference contained by literal work. Example: â€Å"Or make the dust buzz with light spray† From Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Connotation- Having an act of feeling, though, or idea. Example:† He so immediately took me into the circle of his affection, that I glowed with the warmth of it† From† The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57-64) Denotation- Knowing the exact meaning of a word. Example:†Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Figurative language- A type of language that is express as a metaphor. Example: â€Å"They seem to become native of that element the black sleek heads of seals bouncing like half submerged balls† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Simile- More of a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another. Example: â€Å"The work of the world is common as mud. † From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Metaphor- When a statement is compare to something else. Example: â€Å"I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart, who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience, who strain in the mud and he muck to move things forward, who do what has to be done, again and again† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Symbol- A symbol is an object that stands for a word. Example:† I’ll get out the boneshaker and we can drive around together and find Lutkins† From The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57-64) Hyperbole- An extreme exaggeration to a description or effect Example: â €Å"Or stand all night watering roses† From Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Personification- A figure of speech where an object is given human characteristics. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Terms specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Terms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Terms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Example: â€Å"The pitcher cries for water to carry† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Irony- A way to have a sarcastic expression. Example: â€Å"Or drown a bug in one spit of tobacco juice† From â€Å"Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Satire- Any literary work that makes fun of vices, follies, stupidities, abuses, or wickedness. Example: â€Å"I took a trunk out for her once, and she pretty near took my hide off because I didn’t treat it like it was a crate of eggs† From The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57-64)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Logo Essay Essays Logo Essay Essays Logo Essay Essay Logo Essay Essay Myntra was established by Mukesh Bansal and Sankar Bora in February 2007. The other cardinal members are Ashutosh Lawania. and Vineet Saxena. All of them are IIT/IIM alumnas. and have worked for several start-ups. Myntra is headquartered in Bangalore and has been funded by Venture Capital financess like IndoUS. IDG A ; Accel Partners. [ 5 ] The company started off in the concern of personalization of merchandises. and shortly expanded to put up regional offices in New Delhi. Mumbai and Chennai. It began its operations in the B2B ( concern to concern ) section with the personalization of gifts. which included T-shirts. mugs and caps to call a few. However. in 2010. the company shifted its scheme to going a B2C ( concern to client ) oriented house. spread outing its catalogue to manner and lifestyle merchandises. From 2007 to December 2010. Myntra. com was in the concern of on-line demand personalization. [ 6 ] The merchandises ranged from T-shirts. mugs. recognizing cards. calendars. key ironss. journals. vino spectacless. coasters and many such merchandises with exposure. one-liners and mottos. In three old ages. Myntra became one of the India’s largest on-demand personalization platform for merchandises and gifts with over a 50 % market portion [ 7 ] Myntra [ 8 ] offered individualized New Jerseies of several cricket and football squads such as Team India. IPL squads. national football squads. and Premier League football squads. New concern focal point and merchandises Myntra has tied up with top manner and lifestyle trade names in India. such as Nike. Inc. . Reebok. Puma. Adidas. Asics. Lee. Lotto. Decathlon. FILA. John Miller. Indigo Nation etc. to offer a broad scope of current season ware from these trade names [ 9 ] Myntra presently offers merchandises from more than 350 Indian and international trade names. [ 10 ] These include places for running. tennis. football. hoops and fittingness. along with insouciant footwear from world-renowned industry leaders like Nike. Puma. Converse. Adidas. Decathlon. Reebok. Lee Cooper. Numero Uno. Skechers. Crocks. Asics. Fila. Lotto. ID and many more. There are besides insouciant and dressy footwear for adult females from Catwalk. Carlton London and Red Tape to call a few. Myntra besides stocks Jerseies for work forces and adult females from popular trade names like Covetous 21. Everlastingly New. Authoritative Polo. Inkfruit. Lee. Nike. Inc. . Probase. Puma. Adidas. Reebok. Ed Hardy. Decathlon. Lotto. Ediots. Mr. Men. Tantra and Guerilla. The web site has besides launched Being Human and Fastrack tickers. [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] In July 31. 2012 Bollywood actorKalki Koechlin launches Myntra’s ‘Star N Style’ characteristic. [ 14 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Business theoretical account Myntra. com is an collector of many trade names. Its concern theoretical account is based on securing current season ware from assorted trade names and doing them available on the portal at the same clip as in several retail trade name mercantile establishments. All these merchandises are offered to clients on MRP. [ 15 ] In October 2007. Myntra received a seed support from Accel Partners ( once Erasmic Venture Fund ) . Sasha Mirchandani from Mumbai Angels and another angel investor. In November 2008. Myntra raised with it’s A support of $ 5 million from NEA-IndoUS Ventures. IDG Ventures and Accel Partners. [ 16 ] In the 2nd unit of ammunition of support led by Tiger Global and participated by bing investors IDG Ventures and Indo-US Venture Partners. Myntra raised $ 14 million. Towards the terminal of 2011. Myntra. com raised $ 20 million in its 3rd unit of ammunition of support led by Tiger Global. [ 17 ] Myntra launched a trade name run with its first TVC in July 2011. The commercial ‘juxtaposes new-age manner with old-world grit’ and places Myntra as a ‘fashionable new age’ trade name. [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20 ] [ 21 ] Myntra’s 2nd run. with the tagline â€Å"Ramp It Up† . was launched in October 2011 with a TVC. The new ad scored high on manner quotient and the nucleus message was to pass on the launch of the Autumn Winter 2011 aggregation on Myntra. com. [ 22 ] In February 2012. Myntra besides rolled out an OOH ( out of place ) run across Tier 2 metropoliss. to to construct trade name consciousness and promote online shopping. [ 23 ] In June 2012. Myntra launched its 3rd run. Created by Taproot. the communicating emphasises the benefits of purchasing online. and is titled ‘Real life mein aisa hota hai kya’ . in which they offer free transportation. hard currency on bringing. 30 twenty-four hours return amp ; 24 hours dispatch [ 24 ] Myntra continued the ‘Real life mein aisa hota hai kya’ subject in its following run in October 2012 and extended it to showcase its broad catalog and hassle-free Returns Policy. [ 25 ] Gross In the last unit of ammunition ( Nov 2010 ) . Myntra raised $ 14mn and in 2008. raised $ 5mn from NEA-IUV. IDG Ventures and Accel. Myntra started as a usage endowing service and subsequently morphed into an on-line shop manner shop merchandising lifestyle merchandises. The latest unit of ammunition of $ 20mn support ( Series C ) will be used to construct its logistics service ( they have already started their ain logistic service ) and enlargement into new classs. Myntra. com marks Rs 500 crores gross for the following financial Myntra. com. the largest on-line retail merchant of manner and lifestyle merchandises in India. is taking grosss of Rs 500 crores in the fiscal twelvemonth 2012- 2013. The company which entered the life style and manner retailing section in December 2010 has registered a 10 fold growing in 2011 and is comparatively. the fastest turning company in the e-commerce infinite in India. Mr. Mukesh Bansal ( Founder A ; CEO ) said. â€Å"Myntra has undergone phenomenal growing in the last 12 months and has emerged as the clear leader in Fashion/Lifestyle infinite. We have been systematically duplicating every 4 months and have now reached a graduated table where we ship up to 10. 000 merchandises every twenty-four hours. We are be aftering to traverse gross of Rs 500 crores in FY 12-13 which will further beef up Myntra’s leading place in the lifestyle class. This is an exciting class with the entire market size projected to be over $ 100 billion in 5 old ages with mid individual figure part being on-line. doing this. perchance the largest on-line class in India. † He farther added. â€Å"We have built the largest catalog in manner A ; lifestyle class with over 200 trade names. have really extended supply-chain capablenesss including world-class warehouse in multiple metropoliss and our ain logistics web in big metropoliss. We will go on to put sharply in our engineering platform. supply-chain and the Myntra trade name to quickly scale the concern. † history Myntra. com is ranked among the taking e-commerce companies in India and is the largest on-line retail merchant of life style and manner merchandises. The company was started by a group of IIT/IIM alumnuss in 2007 and is headquartered in Bangalore. Funded by top grade Venture Capital Funds. Myntra is among the best funded e-commerce companies in the state today. Myntra. which started as an on-line finish for personalized merchandises back in 2007. has expanded into broader life style and manner retailing. Today. Myntra is the largest online lifestyle retail merchant with over 200 national and international trade names under its streamer. Myntra has brought in a new degree of professionalism and engineering enablement to the e-commerce infinite in India. For consumers. this translates to superior experience. broader merchandise choice and odd efficiency. therefore adding to a better buying determination. The company’s alone offerings include the largest in-season merchandise catalogue. 100 % reliable merchandises. hard currency on bringing. and 30 twenty-four hours return policy. doing Myntra the preferable online shopping finish in the state. Merchandises * There are besides insouciant and dressy footwear for adult females from Catwalk. Carlton London and Red Tape to call a few. To offer a broad scope of current season ware from these trade names. Myntra presently offers merchandises from more than 200 Indian and international trade names. These include places for running. tennis. football. hoops and fittingness. along with insouciant footwear from world-renowned industry leaders likeMyntra has tied up with top manner and lifestyle trade names in India. such as Nike. Reebok. Puma. Adidas. Asics. Lee. Lotto. Decathlon. FIFA. John Miller. Indigo Nation etc. * Inkfruit. com. dilsebol. com. Blue Bus Tees. Scopial. com. Myntra doubtless enjoyed the first mover advantage in the on-line retailing concern. But Myntra’s success has been replicated by other companies that have now become rivals for Myntra. Some of them are Diff between tradional bssness n vitamin E bussness Traditional concerns and e-businesses both require you to hold a concern licence. Registering your concern name with the province registrar. geting a federal revenue enhancement ID figure. researching local zoning and licensing ordinances. buying insurance pertinent to your demands and set uping banking relationships are critical stairss in puting up store in either locale. While telecommunications equipment. office supplies and a marketing/advertising budget are necessary disbursals in both traditional and electronic commercialism. a traditional concern theoretical account has the added operating expense of a monthly rental. public-service corporations. staff wages and benefits. exterior/interior care costs and security systems. An e-business tally from a place office utilizes resources that already exist and which are so prorated as tax write-off Customer Convenience If the conditions is bad. the parking is a challenge or the hr is late when inspiration strikes to purchase something. an e-business that is unfastened 24/7 frequently has more entreaty to clients than a brick-and-mortar store located across town and merely unfastened five yearss a hebdomad from 10 to 4. Shoping for goods electronically doesn’t merely salvage clients clip and energy ; it can besides salvage them from paying gross revenues revenue enhancements. supply them with more mercantile establishments to comparison-shop and extinguish the feeling of being pressured or followed around by a sales representative. Many clients. nevertheless. prefer the ability to personally inspect the ware. inquire for advice and aid and be able to take their purchases home instantly instead than holding to pay transportation costs and delay for bringing. A traditional concern satisfies those demands in add-on to furthering an environment of trust through personal conversation and face-time . N for revenue enhancement intents.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Controversy Essay

Controversy Essay Controversy Essay Controversy Essay: Choosing Controversy Essay Topics To write a good controversy essay worthy of attention, you need to start the process of writing with a careful choice of a good topic. The first and the most important issue to keep in mind is that such topics as abortions, gay adoption, or animal experimentation are no longer interesting to explore. Your instructor wants to see fresh topics and fresh ideas. Therefore, start your research and be creative: One of the important elements of controversy essay writing is the value of being indifferent to the topic. While it is hardly possible to have no opinion on the issue, avoid choosing the topics that make you too passionate. For example, if are strongly against smoking in public places, you will fail writing a good controversy essay at least because you have to present both sides of the argument. The second critical aspect of successful controversy essay writing is organization of your ideas. The most recommended structure is the following: introduction, your strongest point, second strongest point, opposing point, refutation, third strongest point, and conclusion that restates your key points. Of course, you will not succeed in writing strong controversy essay if you do not include specific examples to support your points. Therefore, devote enough time to read different articles, look through books, and surf the Internet. Do not forget about citing all borrowed information! You do not want to get F for plagiarizing, do you? Use Custom Essay Writing Services for Your Benefits If writing a controversy essay is a real headache for you, we offer an opportunity to take advantage of our professional custom essay writing services. We will help you with the choice of the topic, outline, research, writing, and editing. Therefore, you do not have to spend endless hours in painful search of the topic and drafting of your controversy essay. Of course, you should never commit yourself to the service that raises concerns about legitimacy. We are among the few sites that fulfill their promises. We meet deadlines and we do not work with ESL writers. Working with our professional team, you get the best results within the shortest deadline. Yes, we can deliver a 5-page controversy essay in 24 hours! It should be noted that we do not resell delivered essays. In other words, your essay is original and written from scratch. Moreover, no client will ever be able to get access to your controversy essay. We treasure the trust of our clients, and try our best to meet requirements of every customer. Read more: Science Research Paper Research Papers Proposal Research Paper Thesis Research Paper Ideas Research Paper Format

Friday, February 14, 2020

V Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Professionalism and Clients Interests - Essay Example Chartered Surveyors have the contractual obligation to meet the demands and expectations of their clients as stipulated in their engagement contract provided however that these demands and expectations are within the ambit of the law. Should conflict ensue, the chartered surveyor’s duty does not end with a recommendation of appropriate measures to his client to abide with the dictates of the law and implement processes to correct or rectify any variance, delinquency or transgression. The chartered surveyor is likewise mandated by RICS’ code of conduct to ensure that the correct resolution as provided for by the provisions of the law is followed according to the letter of law, rules and regulations. The fiduciary obligation of chartered surveyors to their clients is that all the recommendations and findings that the surveyor will make are in accordance and congruent with the letter of the law.  Ã‚  The chartered surveyor should be the advocate of the code of conduct of his profession as he adheres to these standards, it follows that his actions are strictly guided by the regime of his profession as well as his own moral beliefs and principles. Although the chartered surveyor has an obligation to his client, such responsibility is secondary to the duty of the chartered surveyor to the public’s welfare. The chartered surveyor’s primary goal should also include the maintenance of the integrity of his industry and ensure that the norms enunciated in the code of conduct.... The chartered surveyor is likewise mandated by RICS’ code of conduct to ensure that the correct resolution as provided for by the provisions of the law is followed according to the letter of law, rules and regulations. The fiduciary obligation of chartered surveyors to their clients is that all the recommendations and findings that the surveyor will make are in accordance and congruent with the letter of the law. The chartered surveyor should be the advocate of the code of conduct of his profession as he adheres to these standards, it follows that his actions are strictly guided by the regime of his profession as well as his own moral beliefs and principles. Although the chartered surveyor has an obligation to his client, such responsibility is secondary to the duty of the chartered surveyor to the public’s welfare. The chartered surveyor’s primary goal should also include the maintenance of the integrity of his industry and ensure that the norms enunciated in th e code of conduct are obeyed with utmost fidelity. The professional’s best service to his client is to translate such requirements in accordance with governing laws, implementing rules and regulation. Obligations and Contracts Surveying is one of the professional services that can be procured through a regular engagement contract with a certified or chartered surveyor. As in other contracts, a contract to engage the services of a chartered surveyor shall include the scope and terms of reference of the services covered. This contract shall govern the relationship of the chartered contractor and the client. The terms of reference shall list all of the services, duties and

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Social Policy (Group Work) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Policy (Group Work) - Essay Example l relationships are considered to be â€Å"connected to each other (Myers: 286).† This definition of a group clarifies its components: that it has to consist the elements of relationship, involved no. of individuals, and connection (4). Moreover, in order to be called a group, the involved members who participate in the activities should have the ff. characteristics: 1) interrelating and interacting with each other; 2) sharing same norms; 3) developing roles or shared set of roles; 4) developing the feeling of sense of belongingness; and lastly, 5) sharing a common goal (Douglas: 13). The aims of a group purports to help its members achieve the goals for each individual members: 1) to enhance individual’s functioning; 2) to enrich every individual’s life; 3) to ameliorate existing problems and to provide solutions for conflicts in the group, community or the organisation; for the ff. desired effects: 1) to produce social change and 2) to promote social justice (Myers: 591). To cite an example, the Parenting group is the best sample for explaining the purposive, basic parenting or leadership styles which are pivotal roles of parents in forming and shaping an individual. The parenting group works to induce change in the individual; however the Parenting group must be consisting of the following SMART characteristics: 1) Specific—a group that defines each members (parents) as the facilitator and leader of change and their children as the students or followers; 2) Measurable—that the parenting group helps its members specify the timeline n eeded and the tools required to achieve their goals; 3) Achievable—the parents making sure that the children’s goals are doable and feasible; 4) Relevant—that the parenting group makes sure that the goals of their child/ren are rational and reasonable; and lastly, 5) Timely—that the parents ensure that individual and group goals are not obsolete and rather, follows the current trend as demanded by time (Douglas:

Friday, January 24, 2020

Religion and Moby Dick :: Moby Dick Essays

Religion and Moby Dick  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Job was a man of the purest faith. When the world shunned God, Job's faith never declined. Job was a wealthy, handsome man with a beautiful wife and a vast amount of property. At some point in time, Satan made a bet with God that if Job situation was changed, his faith would quickly falter. On this note, God took Job's wealth, his property, his family, and his wife. When times were at their worst, God gave Job pus welts on Job's face, taking his looks. Job's faith, however, did not falter, instead it becamestronger. Job passed the test. God then healed Job, gave him more land, greater wealth , and a better wife. Job was baffled, he wondered the purpose behind his fall and rise. When he asked God this, God replied: "...Because I'm God." That was answer enough. On an opposite note, Jonah was a man whom God called upon to become a prophet. Jonah refused because he didn't desire a life of servitude. Knowing that he had committed an ultimate sin, Jonah fled to the ocean, risking hundreds of crew members' lives, believing that God would not be able to follow. In the sea, Jonah was swallowed by God in the form of a whale In the whale's belly, he repented and prayed for forgiveness. He was spit up by the whale upon dry land and all was forgiven. Man fears God. God created all life and all matter, he maintained it, and he can very easily take it back. Man realizes this, and those of the purest faith must pay a lifetime of homage and servitude. At least this is the key behind all God-believing religions. In a part of the Hindu faith, there is a God called Shiva. He is believed to be the "restorer and destroyer of worlds." Shiva is one of the most temperamental gods of any faith, he'll destroy the world on a simple whim. At one time, he even cut off his son's head and turned it into an Elephant face. One example of the type of faith Shiva requires is found in the story of a man who desired power more than anything. In order to obtain this power, he had to get sacred weapons created by Shiva. He began a deep meditation to obtain the weapons. This went on until his meditation clouded the heavens and angered Shiva himself.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Egyptian Planning Law

Egyptian Administrative Systems Egyptian Administration & Planning System Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems content 1. Egyptian administrative system (according to 1971 constitution) 1. 1 The local administrative system. 1. 2 Differences between Rural and Urban regions in Egypt. 1. 3 Relation between central and local authority. 1. 4 Parliamentary power (the elected councils). 2. Egyptian New Administrative System (according to 2012 constitution). 2. 1 Relation between central and local authority 2. 2 2. 2 Parliamentary power (The Elected Councils). 3.Egyptian planning system. (According to the unified planning law 119 of the year 2008). 3. 1. History of The Urban planning Systems 3. 2. The unified building law (Law 119 of the year 2008). 4. Urban Planning and Development (law 119 of the year 2008, Articles from 1 to 19). 4. 1. The New Planning Hierarchy. 4. 2. The Supreme Council of Planning and Urban Development structure. 4. 3. The General Organization of Physical Plann ing. 4. 4. The Regional Planning Centers (R. P. P. C) responsibilities. 4. 5. The General Administration For Urban Planning (Government). Responsibilities . 4. Local Authorities Responsibilities and Powers related to the planning issues. 5. Evaluation of the urban process after the unified urban law. 6. Hierarchy and Development plans contents. 7. Examples of the development plans. 6. 1. The National Urban Development Strategic Plan. 6. 2. The Regional Urban Development Strategic Plan (Greater Cairo Region). 6. 3. Helwan Government Urban Development Strategic Plan. 6. 4. El Zabw (Village) Urban Development Strategic Plan. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 2 content List of Figures Figure (1). The Egyptian Governorates†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6. Figure (2). Local Councils Structures †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7. Figure (3). Egypt’s Planning Regions †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦16.. Figure (4). The National Urban Development Strategic Plan . †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ .. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦20. Figure (5). The Regional Urban Development Strategic Plan (Greater Cairo Region). †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦20. Figure (6). Helwan Government Urban Development Strategic Plan †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦21. Figure (7). El Zabw (village) Urban Development Strategic Plan †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦21. List of ShapesShape(1) The Egyptian Administration Hierarchy †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5. Shape (2) self illustration The New Planning Hierarch†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦. 13. Shape (3) self illustration The supreme council of planning and urban development structure †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦. 14. Shape (4) The Supreme Council of Planning and Urban Development responsibilities . †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦. 15. List of Tables (Table 1) Responsible Governmental Bodies For Planning or Approving the plans before the issuing of the unified planning law (119 For the year 2008) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 12. Table 2) The hierarchy and the content of the development plans. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 19. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 3 Egyptian Administrative System Egyptian Admin istrative system (According to the 1971 constitution) Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 4 Egyptian Administrative System 1. The Egyptian Administrative System. Introduction Egypt is situated in northeast Africa and borders the Mediterranean Sea to the north along 995 km, the Red Sea in the east along 1,941 km, Palestine and Israel in the northeast along 265 km, Libya in the west along 1,115 km and Sudan in the south along 1,280 km.It is estimated that Egypt covers an area of 1. 2 million km?. Cairo (around 11 million inhabitants) is the capital of Egypt. According to estimates from 2012, the total 1 population of Egypt is 83,335,036. Today the country is organized on five levels. Art. 161 of the 1971 Constitution states that the Arab Republic of Egypt is divided into legally recognized administrative units. These are Governorates, Centers, Cities, Districts and villages. The Constitution also provides for other legally recognized administrative units to be established whe re it is in the public interest.Egypt consists of 27 governorate (fig. 1) and one city with autonomic character (Luxor), and those governorates contains 184 center â€Å"Markez†, Center’s region may contain one ore more fellow city, and the cities regions contains fellow districts or fellow villages according to the function, area and population of each urban settlement. As shown in shape 1. Shape(1) The Egyptian Administration Hierarchy In terms of the constitution, since Egypt became a republic in 1953, the country had various constitutions (1953,1956,1958,1964,1971, and finally 2012 constitution.But due to the absence of the parliament there is no laws issued yet based on that constitution so the next articles is based on the law 43 for the year 1979 based on the 1971 constitution. The Local Administrative System †¢ 2 1 26 184 218 †¢ Centralized Governorate Cairo †¢ Following Governorates †¢ Centers â€Å"Markez† Governorates are declared by a presidential decision. †¢ center and cities are declared by the prime minister. †¢ Function, area and population are the three factor the prime minister takes in consideration before converting a village into a city (after a proposal from the Local governmental unit). Cities 78 Districts 4168 Villages Differences between Rural and Urban regions in Egypt. Governorates are either fully â€Å"urban† or else an admixture of â€Å"urban† and â€Å"rural†. The official distinction between â€Å"urban† and â€Å"rural† is reflected in the lower tiers: i. e. fully urban governorates have no regions (Markez) , as the center â€Å"Markez† is natively a conglomeration of villages. Moreover, governorates may comprise just one city, as in the case of Cairo or Alexandria. Hence, these one-city governorates are only divided into districts (urban neighborhoods). Cairo consists of 23 districts; Alexandria consists of 6. 1) Source: Information and decision support center, Egypt’s description by information (2007), vol. 1. (2)Art. 1 in the law 43 of the year 1979 Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 5 Egyptian Administrative System Introduction Figure (1). The Egyptian Governorates. 3 Egypt consists of 27 governorate (fig. 2) and one city with autonomic character (Luxor), and those governorates contains 184 center â€Å"Markez†, Center’s region may contain one ore more fellow city, and the cities regions contains fellow districts or fellow villages according to the function, area and population of each urban settlement.As shown in figure 1. (3) Source: Information and decision support center, Egypt’s description by information (2007), vol. 1. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 6 Egyptian Local Administrative System 1. 2 Local Democracy 4 1 Each administrative unit in Egypt, on all the levels, governorates ,centers, cities, districts or villages has two councils. As Shown in fig ure (2). One if them is appointed â€Å"The Executive Council† and the other one is the public assembly which is elected by the people. The Egyptian constitution adopts elections as the method for appointing members of local popular councils. onstitution states that â€Å"local popular council are formed progressively on the level of admin. Units by means of direct suffrage. 4 That the councils are elected through direct and secret votes and the mandate is for 4 years. 5 The last revisions to the constitution in 2005 and 2007 aimed to give interest to the local elections as it gave the local elected officials the right to sponsor and support independent candidates during presidential 1 elections. Figure (2). LOCAL COUNCILS STRUCTURES Source: Ennahar (M-M), L'administration locale entre centralisation et decentralisation, Librairie Jalaa El Haditha, 2001, p. 17 and s. (in Arabic). Relation between central and local authority Local councils are subject to many checks carried o ut by central authorities, which have the last word in terms of managing local affairs. Local councils also comes under jurisdictional control and the people’s 1 assembly on the other hand, the governor has considerable trusteeship and powers of control over local councils within the governorate popular council has control over the lower councils, according to the hierarchy established between local authorities .Control of Executive power Art. 139 of the law gives the power to the prime minister to declare the dissolution of local councils although the Egyptian legislating has established the principal for electing the local councils it didn’t exclude nominating particular members by the governor. Parliamentary power (The Elected Councils) Parliament adopts laws setting out the allocations of local authorities.It also has control over councils and local authorities according to the following terms: 1 – Members of the People’s Assembly have the right to at tend popular council meetings, to participate in debates, ask questions, offer suggestions and request information without taking part in the voting process. 2 – The minister in charge of local administration is required to present an annual report to the President of the People’s Assembly on the activities and accomplishments of the local popular councils as part of the development plan and the budget of each governorate. – The People’s Assembly must be informed of all decisions concerning the dissolution of a local popular council within two weeks of the decision to allow the Assembly to verify that the aforementioned decision conforms to the law. (4) Dr. Khaled Zaki, Department of law, Ein Shams University, UCLG country profile Egypt. (5) Art. 16 of the 1971. (5) Amended law no. 43 of the year 79. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 7 Egyptian Local Administrative Systems (according to the new constitute). Egyptian Administrative system (Accor ding to the new constitution (2012)Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 8 Egyptian Local Administrative Systems (according to the new constitute). 2. 1 Relation between central and local authority ? Art (183). The country is distributed into local administrative units, each has its own character, and it includes governorates, centers (Markez), cities, districts, and villages, the unit could contains one or more village or district, that’s all according to what the law states, in the direction of insuring the decentralization concept, stabilizing the units of provision of utilities and local services, develop it and manage it. Art (184). The country adopt the needs of the local units from technical, managerial and financing support, and grunting the fair distribution of the utilities and services and resources, and decrease the development gap and rate between the units, As regulated by law. ? Art (185). Taxes and the local fees (original and additional fees) going und er the financial resources of the units, and follow the same rules, regulation and the same procedures of the country’s money. As regulated by law. Art (186). The law organizes the contribution and cooperation between the local units and each other in the mutual benefit projects, and the means of cooperation between them and the different country’s authorities. ? Art (187) The law organizes the way of choosing the governors and the local governmental units presidents and specifies their powers and responsibilities. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 9 Egyptian Local Administrative Systems (according to the new constitute). 2. Parliamentary power (The Elected Councils) ? Art (188). †¢ Each Local Governmental Unit (LGU) elects a popular council through a direct and the secret ballot for 4 years. †¢ The candidates required to be older than twenty-one years. †¢ The council includes representative from the Executive authority and they don’t h ave an accountable voice. †¢ Each council elects its president and the procurator from the council’s members. †¢ And the law organizes the other nomination conditions and the election procedures. Art (189) Each LGU is responsible for the unit it represent, and implement and run the local utilities and the economic, social and health sectors , as regulated by law. ? Art (190) Decisions of the LGUs consider as definitive decisions, and it’s not allowed for the executive authority to interfere or to change except some cases: †¢ The council exceeded its responsibilities. †¢ The decisions made are Detrimental for the public interest. †¢ In case of disagreeing and controversy on the responsibilities of the LGUs, the country council’s Assembly is responsible to decisive and to clarify the LGUs responsibilities.As regulated by law. ? Art (191) Each LGU is responsible to state their budget and their final accounts, as regulated by law. ? Art (192 ) It’s not possible to dissolute the LGUs with a comprehensive managerial decisions. And the law organize the way of dissolution the councils and the way of reelecting it. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 10 Egyptian Planning System According to the old constitute (1971) and the Unified Building law 119 of the year 2008 Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 11Egyptian Planning System law) 3. 1 History of The Urban planning Systems (Before issuing the unified building Obstacles faced the implantation of urban planning process before the unified law Before issuing the unified planning law in 2008 the Egyptian planning system faced a lot of obstacles, the most prominent one was the interfering between the ministries and entities objectives and responsibilities covered by defective laws. †¢ Tasks overlapping and duplication of urban developments plans. Contradictions in decision making. †¢ Lack of co-ordination among these wide number of concerned ent ities. The following table shows the overlapping between the Egyptian entities in the planning decision making 6 (Table 1) Responsible Governmental Bodies For Planning or Approving the plans before the issuing of the unified planning law (119 For the year 2008) (6) Analysis of housing supply mechanism In Egypt. Final report, 2007, the world bank. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 12 Egyptian planning System 3. 2.The unified building law (Law 119 of the year 2008) Introduction Recognizing the major challenges of enforcing urban planning and building regulations due to the contradictions between many laws and decrees issued over time MHUUD proposed to combine all related laws for planning and building in one low to avoid any further conflict The unified building law comprises five chapters 1. urban planning and development. 2. building codes. 3. Conditions for demolitions of buildings . 4. Protection and maintenance of housing buildings. 5. Preservations of buildings with c ultural or architectural importance. . Urban Planning and Development 4. 1. The New Planning Hierarchy 7 The idea was institutionalize the urban planning process in Egypt and ensure the efficient of the decisions and the implementation of the development plans. Decentralize the urban planning process within the GOPP Through the establishment of the regional centers to support the local units in performing their assigned tasks in urban planning. Giving the smaller units much bigger role in the decision making process. Shape (2) self illustration The New Planning Hierarchy 7) Law 119 of the year 2008, Articles from 1 to 19. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 13 Egyptian planning Systems 4. 2. The Supreme Council for Planning and Urban Development. (Shape 3) self illustration : The supreme council of planning and urban development structure 8 The Supreme Council for planning and urban development Responsibilities 1-the council is responsible for approving and declaring the na tional goals and policies for the planning and urban development and the urban harmony. 2-The council is responsible for achieving goals of urban development. -coordinating between different entities concerned with planning and urban development and linking between the state's economic development plan and urban development plans. 4-Specifying the valuable lands putting a vision for each land. 5-Empower the stakeholders to take their rules and responsibilities to achieve the national goals. 6-Evaluate the implantation of the National and the Regional strategic plans. 7-approving and declaration of The new urban development projects that lying outside the already stated urban borders according to the strategic development plans for the city or the village.The president announce the creation of the new city according to the recommendation of the supreme council. Deficits of the Supreme council for urban development and planning. †¢ The supreme council has no fixed dates to meet. †¢ Through the last 3 years they had only one meeting and the result was a visionary plan to develop the desert but due to the change of the cabinet the vision was cancelled. †¢ Before the revolution there was no data whether they had a meeting or not. (8)Based on art. 3. to 6. in the law 119 for the year 2008. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 14Egyptian planning Systems 4. 3. The General Organization for Physical Planning (GOPP) 9 The General Organization for Physical Planning is the responsible authority in the country for putting the general policies and visions for a sustainable urban development and preparing development plans and programs on all the levels (national, regional, locally), and responsible for revising and approving the urban plans on the local level according to the frame of the national and regional goals and policies. The General Organization for Physical Planning responsibilities10 Shape 4) self illustration of the Supreme Council for Pla nning and Urban development Responsibilities As it shown in shape 4, the GOPP has almost the responsibility of every thing related to planning and urban development in Egypt, on all the scales and levels, even when they tried to breakdown this load and decentralize the process by creating the GOPP regional centers they kept the higher word in the GOPP’s hand. That lead to a weak planning process and very long time taken to start and finish a strategic development plan for any village or city. (9) ART 5. in the physical regulation list of the law 119. (10) ART 6. n the physical regulation list of the law 119. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 15 Egyptian planning Systems Egypt's Planning Regions* Delta Region Alexandria region Suez canal region Northern upper Egypt region Asyut Region South Of Upper Egypt Region Fig. (2) The Planning Regions. Source Information and decision support center, Egypt’s description by information (2007), vol. 1. In 2004 GOPP decide d to breakdown the Egyptian planning regions into 7 regions according to the existing economical regions, each region consists of more than 2 governorates, and they were distributed according to the main function of each governorate.That initiative purposed to decentralize the planning process and to distribute the work load on the new centers, As each center supposed to be more interfered in the region problems by coordinating with the local governorate directorate units (one in each governorate) and prepare a primary development plan for each city and village in the region with the coordination and cooperation of the local planning units and assemblies. So those centers are the GOPP’s arms, the link between the GOPP and the very local planning units.But still those centers don’t have the power to approve a development plan or a program, GOPP has the upper hand to approve or refuse any development plan. So it was a decentralization of the work load not in the decision making process but it’s a step in the right path of decentralization. * For more details read Annex 1 Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 16 Egyptian planning Systems 4. 4. The Regional planning centers (R. P. P. C) responsibilities ART. 7. the executive regulations list of the law 119 †¢ Establishing a regional planning center in each planning region (Fig. ) follow the GOPP and taking over its responsibilities. †¢ Offer the technical support for the government's general admin. For urban planning units. †¢ Supervising the preparation and the implementation of the strategic plans for the region government’s cities and villages. (Based on ART.. 11,12,13 from the law 119 for the year 2008) †¢ The governmental Planning department studies the proposed development plans from the local public authorities with the contribution of the local public council. The regional planning centers takes the responsibility for preparing the local development pl ans for the city or for the village . †¢ The regional planning center revise the plan and change it according to the notes. †¢ The General Organization For Physical Planning revise and approve the development plan. †¢ Preparing the regulation booklet for the cities or villages detailed plans. 4. 5. The General Administration Directorate For Urban Planning in each (Governorate) Responsibilities. ART. 8. n the executive regulations list of the law 119 of the year 2008. †¢ Establishing in each governorate a general administration for the urban planning, takes over inside it region the responsibilities of preparing the detailed plans according to the planning regulations and building codes for the different land-uses also responsible for preparing the development programs. †¢ That’s all under the supervision of the regional planning center the unit follow. Based on the ART.. 8, 10, 14 from the law no. 119 of the year 2008. The general administration for u rban planning is responsible for preparing a comprehensive report and submit it to the regional planning center , that report includes the needs and the development priorities for each city and village on the local level. †¢ Each unit Represent it’s development vision, suggestions for the required projects and the working plan to achieve this suggestions. †¢ The concerned managerial entity, the local assembly, the concerned executive authorities and representatives from the civil societies cooperate with the administrative units in making the proposed development plans. The general admin. Units is responsible for representing the proposal of the strategic plan for the city or the village to the citizens , the concerned entities and the local assembly. †¢ Write the notes and the objections on the proposal and send them back to the regional planning center. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 17 Egyptian planning Systems 4. 6 Local authorities Responsibi lities and Powers related to the planning issues Based on the Art. 115, 116,117,118 from the law no. 3 of the year 1979 †¢ Local authority can only be involved in joint investment projects using foreign investment after the acceptance of the concerned planning entities and the national investment authority and the central government. †¢ Local public authorities are responsible for preparing an integrated development plans based on the investment’s opportunities and strengths and putting a vision for managing the resources and send them to the concerned planning entities. The local authorities with the contribution of the planning entity, directed by the recommendations of the local public council puts the goals to achieve social and economical development. Based on the Art. 9, 16,17,19. of the 119 law of the year 2008. (executive regulation list. ) †¢ According to the needs and requirements the local assemblies specify, The GOPP through it’s regional cen ters and the governmental executive authority prepares the development plan and the local urban policies. The local units are responsible for supervising and reporting the development plans implementation progress for the governmental planning units and the regional planning centers. ART 16. †¢ In case of renewal plans and re-planning of the industrial, handicraft zones and the urban sprawl areas and the areas with a special values, the governor approve the plans after the approving of the public assembly and the local authority. ART 17. †¢ the local authority isn't allowed to give building and constructing permissions unless the project stated in the detailed plans prepared by the governmental planning unit.Art. 19 †¢ the governor issue the taxes and fees of building after the approval of the local assembly. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 18 Egyptian planning Systems 5. Current planning process (decision making) and concerned entities. (self evaluation) . Prepare the plan Require it’s approval Informed by the plan Prepare a primary plan (comprehensive S. W. O. T. analysis) Putting the policy and development strategies 1 prepares the detailed plans for it’s own projects. 2 prepares the detailed plans for it’s own projects.According to the unified building law the problems happened before issuing it like overlaps of responsibilities and Lack of co-ordination among these wide number of concerned entities supposed to be solved by creating the supreme council for urban planning, But still the council itself is not efficient as it has no fixed dates to meet and the army still have the higher word in all of the projects like a country inside the country (even in the new constitution), also for the public participation in the local assemblies still very weak and un-efficient because people don’t trust the government and the executive authority before and after the revolution, Corruption and fast money making sti ll leading the planning system in Egypt. Self evaluation for the situation after the unified building law. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 19 Egyptian planning Systems 6. (Table 4) The hierarchy and the content of the development plans. Responsible entity Produced plans Content of plans †¢ †¢ National level †¢ †¢ †¢ Regional level †¢ Specify the national planning principals and the urban development projects Specify the national projects and it’s implantation phases. specify the public sector role in the development plan. Specify the national and regional planning vision and principals for each planning region.Specify the national and regional projects and it’s implantation phases. Specify the stakeholders and the partners for each project Specify the regional planning vision and principals for the government and matching it with the local cities and villages strategic plans. Prioritizing the projects and specific the implanta tion phases for each Specify the stakeholders and the partners for each project. Map’s scale †¢ Supreme council †¢ GOPP. – †¢ †¢ GOPP R. P. C. 1-250000 1-100000 †¢ †¢ Governorate level †¢ †¢ GOPP †¢ R. P. C. †¢ The General Administration Directorate 1-50000 1-25000 †¢ †¢ Strategic levels (cities, district and villages) †¢ †¢ †¢ State the futuristic vision for each city and village.Puts the Social- economical- environmental plans and the local urban development plans to achieve the sustainable development. Specify the boundaries for each city and village. Determine the urban sprawl direction and specify the futures needs of land. specify the implementing plans, priorities , and the financing entities. Setting the Planning and building codes and regulations. Setting the Infrastructure and land uses implementing programs according to the approved city or village strategic plans. †¢ GOPP †¢ R. P. Centers †¢ The General Administration Directorate 1-10000 †¢ Detailed Plans For the (cities, district and villages) †¢ †¢ GOPP †¢ R. P.Centers †¢ The General Administration Directorate †¢ Local authority 1-5000 1-1000 Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 20 Egyptian planning Systems 7. (Figure 4) The National Urban Development Strategic Plan 3 7. 2. (Figure 5) The Regional Urban Development Strategic Plan (Greater Cairo Region) 3 (3) General organization for physical planning, . Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 21 Egyptian planning Systems 7. 3. (Figure 6) Helwan Government Urban Development Strategic Plan Development strategy New cities sector New purposed urban settlements New purposed industrial zones New purposed port The Governorate urbanized sector The governorate apital â€Å"Helwan† New purposed industrial zones Existing industrial zone New investment area Dry Port â€Å"Cairo-Sokhna† Proposed Olymp ic city Proposed Olympic city International amusement park Natural Protectorates Helwan touristic Nile path The Governorate Rural sector Existing cities and rural settlements New proposed urban settlements Back desert settlements Existing agricultural lands Proposed agricultural lands Proposed agricultural lands Agricultural industry zones Dry port (El Koraymat- Al Za’afarana) Regional road (Cairo- Luxor) Regional road (Helwan- Suez) Regional road (Nile path) Main road (Al-Autostrade) Regional road (Al-Koraymat) 3 7. 4. (Figure 7) El Zabw (village) Urban Development Strategic Plan 3 (3) General organization for physical planning, .Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 22 Annex I. The Number of the economic regions and their capitals The presidential decree No 495 for the year 1977 established eight economic regions and identified a capital for each region. These regions were: 1) Cairo Region: Cairo is the capital. The region shall comprise Cairo and Giza governorates. 2) Alexandria Region: Alexandria is the capital. The region shall comprise Alexandria and Behira governorates as well as the Nobareyya area. 3) Delta Region: Tanta is the capital. The region shall comprise the governorates of Monufeyya, Gharbeyya, Kafr Al-Sheikh, Damietta and Daqahleyya. 4) Suez Canal Region: Ismailia is the capital.The region shall comprise the governorates of Sinai, Port Said, Ismailia, Suez and Sharqeyya, as well as the northern part of the Red Sea governorate up to, and including, the Gulf of Suez. 5) Matrouh Region (MERGED WITH ALEXANDRA REGION): Matrouh is the capital. The region shall comprise the governorate of Matrouh. 6) Northern Upper Egypt Region: Menia is the capital. The region shall comprise the governorates of Bani Suef, Menia and Fayoum, as well as a northern part of the Red Sea governorate. 7) Asyout Region: Asyout is the capital. The region shall comprise the governorates of Asyout and New Valley. 8) Southern Upper Egypt Region: Aswan is the capit al. The region shall comprise the governorates Sohag, Qena and Aswan, as well as the southern part of the Red Sea governorate.In 1986, a prime ministerial decree number 181 was issued to merge Matrouh region with Alexandria region, and to have Alexandria is the capital of this new region. This meant that the number of regions decreased from eight to seven. It is worth mentioning that in the same year, the prime minster issued decree no 197 to establish a committee to examine the governorates composing economic regions in Egypt, however the committee did not recommend any changes in the composition and boundaries of the economic regions. In other words, the current number and composition of economic regions in Egypt still follows the last amendments made in decree number 181 for the year 1986. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 23 Annex II (Abbreviations). ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSCAPMAS Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics ESW Economic Sector Work ECES Eg yptian Center for Economic Studies FY Fiscal Year GCR Greater Cairo Region GOE Government of Egypt GOPP General Organization for Physical Planning HDB Housing and Development Bank IDA Industrial development authority IDSC Information and Decision Support Center. LGU Local governmental units MENA Middle East and North Africa Region MHUUD Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development MOI Ministry of Investment MOMDP Ministry of Defense and Military Production NAHP National Affordable Housing Program NAHPA National Affordable Housing Program Agency NUCA New Urban Communities Authority R. P. C Regional planning centers TDA Tourism development authority Concerned Ministries and Entities Ministry of Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development. Ministry of Defense . Ministry of Endowments. Ministry of Investment . Ministry of Agricultural. Ministry of Transportation .Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation. Entities, Authorities and Se ctors GOPP concerned with the whole country urban planning and development on all levels. NUCA concerned with the detailed planning of the new cities, including the regulations and policies of each city. TDA concerned with the touristic projects, As planning and putting the policy and the regulations for each project and each touristic land. IDA concerned with the industrial projects. Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 24 References References †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Unified urban law â€Å"law 119† for the year 2008 – Articles from â€Å"1-27†. (In Arabic).Unified urban law The executive regulation list of the â€Å"law 119† for the year 2008 Articles from â€Å"1-27†. (In Arabic). The local authorities management law â€Å"law 43† for the year 1979. (In Arabic†. Dr. Khaled Zaki, Department of law, Ein Shams University, UCLG (United Cities and local Governments), country profile Egypt, www. (Analysis of housi ng supply mechanism In Egypt. Final report, 2007, the world bank. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Information and decision support center, Egypt’s description by information (2007), vol. 1. www. gopp. org. http://www. uclg. org/en http://www. cities-localgovernments. org/gold/country_profile_africa. asp#c82 Egyptian Administrative And Planning Systems 25

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Taking a Closer Look at The Cambodian Genocide Essay

â€Å"To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss.† Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge, once said this truly horrifying statement (Cambodian Genocide 1). It is no wonder that he went on to orchestrate the killings of more than two million innocent Cambodians. At the time of the mass killings in Cambodia, the Vietnam War was raging on. It is possible that the Vietnam War masked the true horrors of what was happening in Cambodia. The terrible events left emotional scars and traumatized countless people. In the 1960’s a group named the Khmer Rouge surfaced, but was with few members. They were led by Pol Pot, a man who would soon bring terror to all Cambodians. Their goal was to bring Cambodia into a primal state, where everyone†¦show more content†¦In total, over two million people died and many suffered from psychological illnesses (Walker 1). The events that happened in Cambodia showed every sign of being genocide. Mass killings took place, emotion al scars were left, and cruel treatment was inflicted. This issue is genocide because of the mass killings that occurred. The Khmer Rouge was brutal and killed anybody that they thought couldn’t work or was in opposition to their ideals. Cambodia lost 25% of its population, with over two millions killed. When more than two million innocent people are killed, it is hard, if not impossible to call what happened in Cambodia, not Genocide. Many people witnessed the deaths of their family and friends, leaving them with nightmares and emotional scars (Carney 1). Another strong argument that helps prove what happened in Cambodia was genocide was the terrible treatment that the people were forced to endure every day. The Khmer Rouge was relentless with what they did. They werent afraid to kill someone, nor did they think twice about it. Just the ruthlessness alone, can prove that this was genocide. The Khmer Rouge was brutal and unforgiving; forcing people to work in terrible conditions and perform treacherous labor. The Khmer Rouge would kill anyone who opposed this work. Due to the horrible conditions the people worked in and the ruthless killings, the fields in which the people worked were called the Cambodian killing fieldsShow MoreRelated The United States and the International Criminal Court (ICC)3556 Words   |  15 Pagesjustice; that they, too, have rights, and that those who violate thus rights will be punished.† Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General The Twentieth Century was the bloodiest in record history with over 174 million people killed in mass murders and genocides; more often then not, victims’ cries went unanswered. Following World War II the United Nations realized the need to take action in ending impunity from these horrible crimes against humanity. With one of the primary objectives of the United Nations