Friday, February 14, 2020

V Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Professionalism and Clients Interests - Essay Example Chartered Surveyors have the contractual obligation to meet the demands and expectations of their clients as stipulated in their engagement contract provided however that these demands and expectations are within the ambit of the law. Should conflict ensue, the chartered surveyor’s duty does not end with a recommendation of appropriate measures to his client to abide with the dictates of the law and implement processes to correct or rectify any variance, delinquency or transgression. The chartered surveyor is likewise mandated by RICS’ code of conduct to ensure that the correct resolution as provided for by the provisions of the law is followed according to the letter of law, rules and regulations. The fiduciary obligation of chartered surveyors to their clients is that all the recommendations and findings that the surveyor will make are in accordance and congruent with the letter of the law.  Ã‚  The chartered surveyor should be the advocate of the code of conduct of his profession as he adheres to these standards, it follows that his actions are strictly guided by the regime of his profession as well as his own moral beliefs and principles. Although the chartered surveyor has an obligation to his client, such responsibility is secondary to the duty of the chartered surveyor to the public’s welfare. The chartered surveyor’s primary goal should also include the maintenance of the integrity of his industry and ensure that the norms enunciated in the code of conduct.... The chartered surveyor is likewise mandated by RICS’ code of conduct to ensure that the correct resolution as provided for by the provisions of the law is followed according to the letter of law, rules and regulations. The fiduciary obligation of chartered surveyors to their clients is that all the recommendations and findings that the surveyor will make are in accordance and congruent with the letter of the law. The chartered surveyor should be the advocate of the code of conduct of his profession as he adheres to these standards, it follows that his actions are strictly guided by the regime of his profession as well as his own moral beliefs and principles. Although the chartered surveyor has an obligation to his client, such responsibility is secondary to the duty of the chartered surveyor to the public’s welfare. The chartered surveyor’s primary goal should also include the maintenance of the integrity of his industry and ensure that the norms enunciated in th e code of conduct are obeyed with utmost fidelity. The professional’s best service to his client is to translate such requirements in accordance with governing laws, implementing rules and regulation. Obligations and Contracts Surveying is one of the professional services that can be procured through a regular engagement contract with a certified or chartered surveyor. As in other contracts, a contract to engage the services of a chartered surveyor shall include the scope and terms of reference of the services covered. This contract shall govern the relationship of the chartered contractor and the client. The terms of reference shall list all of the services, duties and

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