Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gender, Sexual, And Sexual Behaviors Among Latino Youths

In today s society, the way sexual values are passed on varies among many families, cultures and religious group. Some people say sexual activity is okay if you love the person, other people would say it’s only okay if it’s in a marriage. It all comes down to a person’s morals and values. Latino women are not expected to be highly active in sexual activites, yet studies show that Latina women don’t exactly follow their cultures values. According to â€Å"Sexual Values and Risky Sexual Behaviors among Latino Youths,† by: Tschann, Jeanne MFlores, Elena.Ozer, â€Å"Latino youths have received scarce attention. Yet they merit attention, as Latina women in the United States are at higher risk for adolescent pregnancy than are their non-Latina white counterparts. Latinas are 2.8 times as likely as non-Latina whites to give birth at ages 15–19; overall, they have the highest pregnancy rate and birthrate among all ethnic groups in the United States . Although Latina women initiate sexual intercourse at later ages than non-Latinas, they are less likely to use contraceptives once they begin having sex...Sexual communication may also reflect cultural values. Among adult Latina women, acculturation is positively related to sexual communication with partners, which is positively associated with condom use. However, because Latina women are expected to be chaste or naive, sexual communication between men and women is often considered inappropriate and is therefore limited. (24). Islam is aShow MoreRelatedThe Messages Of Youths Receive From The Two Important Sources Of Information, Parents And Friends1126 Words   |  5 Pagesthe study was to look at the messages that youths receive from the two important sources of information, parents and friends. The study looked to explore the different types of messages being received by youth, and how they differed among parents and friends. 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