Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Taking a Closer Look at The Cambodian Genocide Essay

â€Å"To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss.† Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge, once said this truly horrifying statement (Cambodian Genocide 1). It is no wonder that he went on to orchestrate the killings of more than two million innocent Cambodians. At the time of the mass killings in Cambodia, the Vietnam War was raging on. It is possible that the Vietnam War masked the true horrors of what was happening in Cambodia. The terrible events left emotional scars and traumatized countless people. In the 1960’s a group named the Khmer Rouge surfaced, but was with few members. They were led by Pol Pot, a man who would soon bring terror to all Cambodians. Their goal was to bring Cambodia into a primal state, where everyone†¦show more content†¦In total, over two million people died and many suffered from psychological illnesses (Walker 1). The events that happened in Cambodia showed every sign of being genocide. Mass killings took place, emotion al scars were left, and cruel treatment was inflicted. This issue is genocide because of the mass killings that occurred. The Khmer Rouge was brutal and killed anybody that they thought couldn’t work or was in opposition to their ideals. Cambodia lost 25% of its population, with over two millions killed. When more than two million innocent people are killed, it is hard, if not impossible to call what happened in Cambodia, not Genocide. Many people witnessed the deaths of their family and friends, leaving them with nightmares and emotional scars (Carney 1). Another strong argument that helps prove what happened in Cambodia was genocide was the terrible treatment that the people were forced to endure every day. The Khmer Rouge was relentless with what they did. They werent afraid to kill someone, nor did they think twice about it. Just the ruthlessness alone, can prove that this was genocide. The Khmer Rouge was brutal and unforgiving; forcing people to work in terrible conditions and perform treacherous labor. The Khmer Rouge would kill anyone who opposed this work. Due to the horrible conditions the people worked in and the ruthless killings, the fields in which the people worked were called the Cambodian killing fieldsShow MoreRelated The United States and the International Criminal Court (ICC)3556 Words   |  15 Pagesjustice; that they, too, have rights, and that those who violate thus rights will be punished.† Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General The Twentieth Century was the bloodiest in record history with over 174 million people killed in mass murders and genocides; more often then not, victims’ cries went unanswered. Following World War II the United Nations realized the need to take action in ending impunity from these horrible crimes against humanity. With one of the primary objectives of the United Nations

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