Monday, November 25, 2019

Change is Necessary for Growth Essays

Change is Necessary for Growth Essays Change is Necessary for Growth Essay Change is Necessary for Growth Essay Washington changed me by getting to know my cousins and relatives better. My cousin Eduard and I went to visit my cousins and relatives in Washington for a couple of days. We were on the road for about twelve hours and got there at midnight. I remember telling my cousin Eduard, I can’t wait to get there to see how it is and see them.On the ride when we were in the mountains, all I would see is big, green trees and mountains in the back and front of us with my ears plugged because we were riding through the mountains. It was starting to get dark, and that’s when I knew we were almost there because we left in the morning around six o’clock a.m, so we should get there around six p.m. I got excited that we were almost there because I was really tired and I wanted to get out the car. When I woke up from that long day I knew that was where the entertainment and the adventures started with my cousins. After we all had got settled up, we decided to go dirt biking for half of the day. I like to go dirt biking, and doing it with my cousins was even better because we would try to compete in many challenges and see whos better with a dirt bike and just have a great time. That was a really cool experience to have, and it was a positive change for me because it was my second day there, and I was already really enjoying it with my cousins, I didn’tdon’t see and know much about them. I hope by the time I left, I would know such more facts about what they did and had in common with me, After dirt biking, we went out to eat and saw some amazing buildings. I remember I said â€Å"This is one of the biggest buildings I have seen in a long time†.That was another cool experience I had while visiting Washington. The next day got even more exciting and I had a very awesome time. My cousins and I went to the Space Needle and got on top. My cousin said, â€Å"This is the best view I have ever seen,† and I couldn’t disagree on that because it was re

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