Saturday, August 22, 2020

Who Is Pepsis Biggest Competitor Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Who Is Pepsis Biggest Competitor - Term Paper Example Their items, which incorporate nourishments, drinks, and bites, contend with different items from different makers on the grounds of value, cost and their assortment of items and their dispersion efficiencies. Their accomplishment in showcasing their items has generally emerged from their achievement in advancing their current items, the viability of their commercial battles, their promoting programs, bundling of their items and their valuing methodologies (PepsiCo, p.28). Their prosperity has additionally been encouraged by their expanded efficiencies in their creation strategies, their trademark and brand advancement and their assurance inside the area, local and overall markets. The organization accepts that with the goal for them to have the option to contend viably, their brands and promoting systems ought to be solid. They additionally accept that their advancements and the nature of their items and their adaptable appropriation channels will permit their organization to stay s erious in all the business sectors they manage (PepsiCo, p.29). The Company utilizes the straight-line strategy of figuring their deterioration and amortization. As indicated by the company’s 2008 money related reports, the deterioration and amortization of the unmistakable resources that they own is done on a five-year premise. Furthermore, the company’s 2011 yearly budgetary reports demonstrate that their country’s charge laws expect them to incorporate their devaluation costs at intermittent interims of five years (PepsiCo, p.36). The Pepsi Company had approved 3,600 portions of regular stock in the year 2011 as indicated by their yearly reports.â

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Constantine 01x10 Quid Pro Quo

Constantine 01x10 Quid Pro Quo This is John Constantine. Leave your name and soul, and I’ll get back to you.   My dear Mr. Constantine my name is Lechter. Doctor Hannibal Lechter. Ive noticed that over the course of the past few episodes, youve copied my wardrobe and titled an episode over a rather particular phrase which I brought to popularity in the early 1990s. Now, I should be angry, Mister Constantine, but I assure you I am not. Id simply like to invite you to dinner tomorrow night, so I can pick your brains on the matter Dave: We begin with the simplest of simple cold opens. New York City at night. A robed, hooded man on a rooftop chanting in Latin. He summons a black smoke that drifts down the chimney and into a girl’s room, where she’s playing with her dolls. Jay: A room full or children’s dolls can be pretty creepy….but we get a big CGI thing instead. Dave: Yup, the CGI smoke surrounds her. The doll she was holding drops to the ground. Roll Credits. Back at the bunker, Constantine is renewing the protections after the Resurrection Crusade made their attempt to nab Zed. Jay: We get a little back story for Zed. I wonder, will we see this story play out in the next few episodes, or where they saving it for the episodes that didn’t get picked up? Dave: Good question â€" it does feel like there’s too much story there for the last few episodes of the season. I do like that John pushes her here â€" it’s getting more urgent, as it should. I also like the bit where Zed asks John why he’s helping her, and he says he “survives on instinct.” That feels like a good answer for John. I think an outsider might point to John’s anti-authoritarian streak, his need to take the bullies of the world, but I’m not convinced that John would be aware enough of that trait to make that his answer. I like the idea that, in his mind, he just goes with his gut. Oh… the map is back. Plot Alert! Magic is heating up in New York, and coincidentally Chas is already on his way to Brooklyn because it’s his weekend with his daughter! Will we finally dive into the enigma that is CHAS? Jay: HI CHAS! We’re getting some of the back story you’ve been looking for. Every time I hear (Don’t Fear) The Reaper I think of Orange Is The New Black. Dave: Right? It’s a little on the nose for the guy whose role on the show is to die over and over. That said, I suddenly have this funny idea that it’s not actually a coincidence on the radio, but rather a special MP3 mix that Chas makes when he goes on road trips. He calls it his “Its a Dead Mans Party Mix.” Jay: Music to not knock ‘em dead. Dave:  So, the drive turns into a flashback, as you noted, and we go back in time to a bar where John is leaving with a girl. We don’t know if this is before or after Newcastle… Jay: I like drunken John’s designated-driver spell. Dave: What I really dig is that we don’t have any sound effects or special music to let us know that this is a REAL spell. This is what it looks like if you’re hanging out with a guy who says he does magic, and you kinda don’t really believe him. Jay: Hey, a metal gig that leads to demonic goings on. Say, don’t I know someone who has written a comic very much like that….. Dave: Heh, ahem… yeah, well, I’m still waiting on that one to be drawn, but, anyway… yeah, we have a metal band, and some out of control pyrotechnics that turn into a fire. Chas stays inside and tries to help everyone.   Is Chas already resurrectable? We’re not sure at this point, but back in the present… Jay: Wow, this show is going artifact crazy. Dave: uh, yeah, is that Aleister Crowley’s… shaving kit? OCCULT ARTIFACT #1 … and a bracelet made from the actual sinew of Achilles’ heel… OCCULT ARTIFACT #2 Which John packs into his kit. So we’re all prepared, as we cut to Chas, who has arrived in Brooklyn to see his daughter. Only it’s too late â€" she’s in a coma (she, of course, was the girl from the cold open). John and Zed arrive at the hospital soon after, and John uses Occult Artifact #1 to learn that there are “celestial burn marks,” which is what happens when the soul is sucked out of your body. Jay: How do you separate a soul from the body? Personally, I’ve always found that money helps. Dave: He’ll be here all week, folks. But, as we’re told, the soul being separated from the body is not possible. It’s the Holy Grail ofâ€" Jay: I cringe a little when characters say “black magic,” that just feels corny to me. Dave: It almost has to be done tongue-in-cheek at this point. Anyway, from here we go into another flashback: Chas wakes up in the hospital after the bar fire, his wife and daughter at his side. Jay: “They told us you were dead when they pulled you out of that fire…” aha. Here we go. Dave: Yeah â€" seems pretty clear that this is his first brush with resurrection. Back in the present, John takes Zed and Chas to a medium he knows to see if they can contact Chas’ daughter’s (Geraldines) spirit, and thus use her as a homing device. Jay: I do like that John has to go to a medium, that he’s not simply the expert in whatever the plot needs,  which is a trap this kind of show would often fall into. Kind of reminds me of a difference between Raiders Of The Lost Ark and the other Jones films; In Raiders, he’s not the best at everything. He’s bad at other languages and he makes mistakes. But in the other films, comics and books he’s always the expert on whatever is needed. This random tangent has been brought to you by: Jay’s Obsessive Brain. Dave: It’s a good point, though. One of the easiest things to do with magic is to always have the mage know just the right thing. On another note: I also like that Chas has much more at stake in this episode. It changes the dynamic. Usually, he’s just following John around, which has resulted in him feeling tangential to the stories â€" popping in just to die or do a thing. Now, we know where he’s coming from, and so that moment when he snatches the gun from the medium and turns it on him? Excellent. You wouldnt like him when hes angry The medium starts a séance using water from the River Jordan… OCCULT ARTIFACT #3 … I suppose… But the séance doesn’t go well. A powerful entity reaches through the medium, someone who KNOWS Constantine, and then he burns the medium to well done. (Sorry.) Jay: I liked that the medium gets toasted. The episode has felt a little….subdued so far, and this moment kicked it up a little. The show is sticking to the idea of consequences and permanent costs. A spell has gone wrong here and someone dies. I told you to keep holding hands no matter WHAT happens. See what youve done? Dave: Exactly. But this isn’t quite a dead end. Zed uses her psychic abilities to connect to an abandon rail yard. The gang heads to the train yard, only to find an empty lot. Or is it? John frisbees a hubcap at the space, and… whammo, cloaking spell! Jay: I liked the idea of the hidden building, but not the reveal. I think -and you’ve said this before- that the CGI is a problem. It always feels like a different show when they use it. I would rather the reveal was done on a cut, or a camera tilt, maybe with some sly joke from John about David Copperfield and the Statue Of Liberty. But having the cgi ripple across the screen just tops the show from feeling spooky or down to earth. Dave: Yeah, it suddenly feels a bit more Star Trek. I much prefer the subtle stuff like the tree of fruit with human skin from a couple episodes back. Jay: Totally agree. The show loses something when it strays away from spooky and practical. But hey, we get Felix Faust! Is it weird that we kind of want him to be ringing a little bell? Dave: Indeed, the big bad of the episode is revealed to be longtime DC magical villain, Felix Faust… cast here as an old man who, in John’s words, has always been the apprentice or second fiddle  to the magical greats. Only now the Rising Darkness has changed things. Faust has figured out how to separate soul from body, and he’s very powerful now. John strikes a bargain â€" he’ll stop a minor demon from lunching on Faust’s stolen souls, if Faust will return Geraldine’s soul. It’s a horrible bargain, but… it’ll buy them time, How much? Oh, at least another flashback’s worth, as John sends Chas back to the hospital because he needs clear heads to do what’s next. Jay: Here we go then. John’s drunken protection spell has given Chas the lives of all the people who were in the fire. So he can die 47 times. I like that, firstly that this big mystery is the result of a drunken spell, and also that it has rules, that it makes a kind of sense, and puts a limit on the plot device. Dave: I also like the Arthurian origins of the spell. It kind of sets up Chas as this gallant knight. He’s been empowered, but there’s a kind of responsibility â€" to make these others’ lives count. Jay: Good point. I like that, it gives him a mission In a very compelling way. Dave: Meanwhile, in the present, John and Zed set a trap for the demon, which is a kind of hellhound-y thing, which John can see usingâ€" OCCULT ARTIFACT #4 â€" Ahem, well, yes, this thing that looks like a piece of bone with a hole in it, that he can use as some kind of mystical X-Ray monocle. No, seriously, you can see their knickers with this! Of course, the trap doesn’t exactly work, but luckily John had stolen a cattle prod from the Army surplus store earlier in the episode, which does the trick. They go back to Faust, who claims they did it wrong, and he tries to make another deal. Chas has other ideas. Like punching out John and taking matters into his own hands. Jay: I like desperate Chas. Dave: Me too. He has a clear point of view in this episode. It may be an obvious thing, as his daughter’s life hangs in the balance, but… I’m glad they’ve given us something. There’s also a flashback mixed in with this bit where we see the cost of working with John Constantine. This is after he’s become the Resurrection Man (ooh, that’s another DC hero, wonder if they can work him into this show?), and it’s sort of become his job to use his extra lives to help John. I like that his wife knows about this, so we get this weird bit of home life where Chas comes home with stories like, “Ah, sorry I’m late, honey… off slaying the Monkey King with John. (I kind of want a laugh track here.) So anyway â€" Chas plays out his final gambit, which involves handcuffing himself to Faust with the Achilles Tendon bracelet thing, and dropping a grenade on the two of them. Chas loses one life, but presumably Faust is gone. Jay: “Happy to do it your way, mate.” I like that, for this scene, Chas is the cleverest person in the room. He outsmarts john -which takes some doing- and also Felix. Dave: I like John trying to console Chas’ ex-wife. “Chas’ line of work is messy.” That leads up to a final flashback, in which we see a scene where Chas had WANTED to reverse the spell that John cast on him. And John’s been trying. But he can’t. So, while he can’t undo what he’s done, he can give Chas a new role. Jay: Wait…wait….I just realized. Chas’s family lives in New York. He has facial hair. That hat that he wears…..he’s not playing some rustic hillbilly….holy crap…he’s a HIPSTER. It’s HIPSTER CHAS. Dave: Oh my god. You  could be right! Is he maybe one of these Lumbersexuals I’ve been hearing about? He’d definitely be at home here in Portland. Could this be whats at the heart of Angry Chas? A Hipster? Jay: I hope we see him on a fixed-gear bike soon. I like that he has a photo album of the people who died in the fire, that he knows about their lives. Again with the idea of costs. Dave: It’s an interesting twist, now that they’ve revealed it. He sort of has to honor the lives and memories of these various souls. And the fact that he’s sharing this with his daughter is a nice touch. Finally, we have a scene with John and Zed in the hospital, Zed having collapsed after trying to psychically reach out to Geraldine during the climax of the episode. Zed has a message from John’s mother â€" her death is not his fault. I’ll admit it; I cringe a little when they bring up John’s mother… only because I worry a bit at how that kind of stuff will be handled. Jay: Yeah, I’d be happy for them to completely forget that plotline. Dave: There’s a tendency there to make everything sort of pre-determined, an Evil at the heart of things that has been setting John on his course his whole life, as opposed to John just mucking about with dark forces on his own and having to pay the costs of that. But we’ll see. This is the first mention of John’s mother since the pilot, if I’m not mistaken. Jay: This episode was solid, but after a run of very good installments, it didn’t really match them. It felt very much like a mid-season episode, expect with the truncated first year, and the rating struggle, it comes at a time when we need to keep up the pace. Still, I’m maybe being overly harsh. There was a lot to like. A lot of neat ideas. Dave:  I agree. Not as strong as the last few, but I do think that we got what we needed with Chas, and I’m hoping that moving forward, all three of our main characters can bounce off of one another more and keep the momentum building. ESSAY QUESTION! Its time for the Great Chas Debate! Hipster or Hillbilly? What is Chas? State your case in the comments below! EXTRA CREDIT: Include 2 or 3 songs that are on Chas Its a Dead Mans Party Mix playlist that support your case. Sign up to The Stack to receive  Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gender, Sexual, And Sexual Behaviors Among Latino Youths

In today s society, the way sexual values are passed on varies among many families, cultures and religious group. Some people say sexual activity is okay if you love the person, other people would say it’s only okay if it’s in a marriage. It all comes down to a person’s morals and values. Latino women are not expected to be highly active in sexual activites, yet studies show that Latina women don’t exactly follow their cultures values. According to â€Å"Sexual Values and Risky Sexual Behaviors among Latino Youths,† by: Tschann, Jeanne MFlores, Elena.Ozer, â€Å"Latino youths have received scarce attention. Yet they merit attention, as Latina women in the United States are at higher risk for adolescent pregnancy than are their non-Latina white counterparts. Latinas are 2.8 times as likely as non-Latina whites to give birth at ages 15–19; overall, they have the highest pregnancy rate and birthrate among all ethnic groups in the United States . Although Latina women initiate sexual intercourse at later ages than non-Latinas, they are less likely to use contraceptives once they begin having sex...Sexual communication may also reflect cultural values. Among adult Latina women, acculturation is positively related to sexual communication with partners, which is positively associated with condom use. However, because Latina women are expected to be chaste or naive, sexual communication between men and women is often considered inappropriate and is therefore limited. (24). Islam is aShow MoreRelatedThe Messages Of Youths Receive From The Two Important Sources Of Information, Parents And Friends1126 Words   |  5 Pagesthe study was to look at the messages that youths receive from the two important sources of information, parents and friends. The study looked to explore the different types of messages being received by youth, and how they differed among parents and friends. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie The Film - 1715 Words

Michael Hughes Romero (the movie) is a biopic movie released in 1989 American biopic which depicts the life and death of the Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, who led peaceful protests against a violent military regime and made sure the people knew the truth, even though this ended up costing him his life. He is portrayed in the movie by Raul Julia. Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdà ¡mez was born in 1917 and died March 24 1980. Romero was a high ranking member of the Catholic Church, who served as the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. He was a very outspoken man with strong political opinions. He spoke out against social injustice, poverty, and the brutalities of Salvadoran life, such as the assassinations and torture that were carried out by the right wing death squads. In 1980 Romero was shot during the middle of a Mass that he was offering in a small hospital chapel in the capital of El Salvador, San Salvador and died. Romero was born on August 15th, 1917 to Santos Romero and Guadalupe de Jà ©sus Galdà ¡mez in Ciudad Barrios in the San Miguel department of El Salvador. Oscar Romero was baptized into the Church shortly after he turned one. He had many siblings, including 2 sisters and 5 brothers. Romero entered public school for the three years it was offered. He then used a tutor to continue studying until he turned thirteen. Romero then went on to attend the minor seminary in San Miguel, after having graduated from the minor seminary Romero then enrolled in the nationalShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Movie Of A Film 2032 Words   |  9 Pagesthe auteur category of films, we went from films having a clear plot, ending, and meaning, to films having endings, plots, and meanings the audience had to actually sit and think about to find to find out what exactly the director was trying to portray. This is caused by directors that are considered auteurs. 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That included having an opportunity in employment, voting rights, having access to public facilities, education andRead MoreFilm Analysis : Movie Of A Film 1233 Words   |  5 PagesFor anyone who has ever watched a film is a critic in some form. They judge various aspects based on personal feelings or attitudes, then state them for anybody to hear. I, the writer, am guilty of this type of film analysis. I based my ‘review’ of a film solely on how I felt the narrative evolved or how well the acting was done. I never considered why the rhetor of film choose certain details or what might have influenced the rhe tor in the first place. However, through this course I was exposedRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film And Film870 Words   |  4 Pagesthe storylines of films and helps categorise them in order to be identified when people come to look for a film to maybe help determine whether you are going to like the film or not. 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We had to view these insipid films on a geriatric Sony trinitron, snuggled in a cardigan of wood, volume exceedingly loud you could hear a margin of whiteRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Film 1099 Words   |  5 Pagesother videos because it discussed different qualities the city has. I believe that Third Ward is a city where many of its residents are over looked by people in the city next to it, Houston. This video was produced by Andrew Garrison in 2007. In the film the director does an amazing job of highlighting the main problems of Third Ward TX. He also does a good job of highlighting the good things about it. They show the poor part of Texas where they have taken the old houses and renovated them. They madeRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film 1250 Words   |  5 PagesThe film I chose to analyze is Need for Speed. This film portrays two different characters who play on opposite sides of morality. One, Dino, is a char acter who is selfish, lack morals, and is an a-typical jerk. 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Note Tasting Wine and Beer Free Essays

note teasti1/ Morgan’s Bay Chardonnay _ Largely unoaked, this is intentionally crafted in an ‘approachable style’ which translates into something light and easy going – in theory at least. In reality it’s just a bit cheap tasting. 2/ Morgans Bay Shiraz Cabernet, S. We will write a custom essay sample on Note Tasting Wine and Beer or any similar topic only for you Order Now E. Australia _ Classic Australian style, fruit forward easy drinking red 3/ Richmond grove bay of Stone, NV brut _ Freshness of fruit flavors and yeast complexity, are achieved by the inclusion of more than one vintage during assemblage (blending). Gentle pressing produced fresh clean juice with delicate fruit flavors. Harmonious aromas of fresh lemon citrus and red fruits. Intense lemon citrus flavors are balanced with rich creamy yeast characters that lead to a soft, clean finish. 4/ Long Gully Estate Brut Cuvee _Flavours from the classic varieties using a range of winemaking and oak management techniques, creating distinctive cool climate wine styles, marked by their complexity and aging ability. A portion of reserve base wine adds a touch of creamy complexity to what is essentially a zesty easy drinking Sparkling. 5/ Pettavel Evening Star Chardonnay 2008 (Geelong, VIC) Warm summer days and cool nights allow our Chardonnay grapes to retain vibrant and complex fruit flavours. After gentle pressing 35 percent of the juice was transferred to second fill French oak barrels for fermentation, the remaining juice was tank fermented to retain crisp youthful aromas and flavours. Upfront melon and peach flavours are enhanced with subtle oak characters and lingering tropical fruit with a citrus acid finish that ensures the wine will reward both immediate consumption or medium term cellaring. 6/ Heart of Stone Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (Marlborough, NZ) This is a punchy style of savvy with deliciously intense tropical fruit, capsicum and citrus flavours. It’s a weighty and juicy wine to taste – mango, passion fruit, red bell pepper and grapefruit with refreshing acidity and strong personality. 7/ Second Nature Sauvignon Blanc 2010 (Adelaide Hills, South Australia) _ Very pale, almost water white. A very fragrant bouquet of passionfruit, lemon peel and gooseberry. The palate follows through with more gooseberry, passionfruit and lemon peel before a lingering, zesty, mouth filling finish. Excellent crisp acidity made for drinking young and fresh alongside seafood, goat’s cheese and sushi. Like you’re really there. Bouquets of meadow, lemons and lime, grasses, racy and vital, so crisp that it goes crunch, crunch all the way down. Finishing dry and clean, chargrille d fishes are the perfect match! † -Wineweekly. com. au, â€Å"Blond and beautiful, bang for your buck, a whoosh of south seas fruit and green pastures awaken the senses for shrimp, shucked oysters and crustacea! † -Vinicraft. com 8/ Riesling Tahbilk Riesling 2009 (Nagambie Lakes, Central Victoria) _ Tahbilk’s style is more traditional but quite exotic, with aromas of cinnamon and other sweet spices, citrus and white peach. Concentrated, smooth and dry, it’s not as piercing as many young Rieslings but very satisfying. 9/ Neagles Rock Riesling 2010 (Clare Valley, South Australia) _ Expressive, lime-tinged, tangy Riesling whose zesty style is protected by screw-cap closure. 10/ Koonara Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 (Coonawarra, South Australia) _ 18 months in French American barrels have developed a rich, chocolaty Cabernet full of deep mulberries blackberries finishing with a long blackcurrants cream palate. 1/ Angoves Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 (Varies Vineyards, South Australia) _ This wine is deep red in colour, with some purple hues. Complex aromas of red berry integrate with more savoury and red pepper notes and a gentle touch of oak. The palate is rich and mouth filling with flavours following through from the initial impression of berries and more complex capsicum family characters. 12/ Sedona Estate Shiraz 2008 (Yea Valley, Victoria) _ This Shiraz was matured for 20 months in a combination of Fr ench and American oak. Opaque dark red colour with deep dark brick red hue. The nose displays aromas of plum, dark chocolate and liquorice allsorts which are followed by some confectionary end notes, showing excellent intensity. Medium to full bodied with generous flavours of dark chocolate, mocha and confectionary with some spice on the back palate. Fleshy texture with fine grained soft tannins. Aftertaste of dark chocolate, confectionary and spice. 13/Water Wheel Shiraz 2008 (Bendigo, Victoria) _ A rustic red in the glass and with a delicious rhubarb and berry nose, the Shiraz exquisitely blends spice, plums and red berries with a regional touch of cinnamon. Fine tannins see the wine out without overstaying their welcome. A gorgeously well crafted wine from a vintage renowned for its big fruit flavours 14/ Oyster Bay Merlot 2009 (Hawkes Bay 2008, New Zealand) _ Ripe plum and currant, embraced by blackberry and subtle spice with lingering fine grained tannins. The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. 15/ Gibbston Valley Gold River Pinot Noir 2008 (Central Otago, New Zealand) _ Svelte and sensous – a wine of true pleasure. This is a joyful, young, vibrant Pinot that delivers strong varietal flavours. Semi translucent mauve purple colour with mauve purple hue. Lifted nose, freshly macerated strawberry, spice and cherry showing very good varietal lift. Youthful palate flavours of spice and ripe strawberry over ripe joosy dark cherries. Soft and velvet smooth. Youthful and a delight for the short term. 16/ Sedona Estate Cabernet/Merlot 2008 (Yea Valley, Victoria) _The wine has a dense deep red hue with cedar and bramble aromas making up the bouquet. The palate is filled with flavours of plums, blackcurrant and persistent fine tannins. How to cite Note Tasting Wine and Beer, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Literary Terms Essay Example

Literary Terms Essay University of Phoenix Material Define each of the 11 terms listed below. These definitions must be in your own words; if you use any outside sources, it must be paraphrased, not quoted, and all such sources must be cited using APA citation practices. Additionally, each definition must also identify and explain an example of the term found in one or more of the reading assignments for Week One. LITERARY TERMS AND CONCEPTS TO DEFINE – Week One Allusion- An allusion is a reference contained by literal work. Example: â€Å"Or make the dust buzz with light spray† From Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Connotation- Having an act of feeling, though, or idea. Example:† He so immediately took me into the circle of his affection, that I glowed with the warmth of it† From† The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57-64) Denotation- Knowing the exact meaning of a word. Example:†Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Figurative language- A type of language that is express as a metaphor. Example: â€Å"They seem to become native of that element the black sleek heads of seals bouncing like half submerged balls† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Simile- More of a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another. Example: â€Å"The work of the world is common as mud. † From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Metaphor- When a statement is compare to something else. Example: â€Å"I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart, who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience, who strain in the mud and he muck to move things forward, who do what has to be done, again and again† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Symbol- A symbol is an object that stands for a word. Example:† I’ll get out the boneshaker and we can drive around together and find Lutkins† From The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57-64) Hyperbole- An extreme exaggeration to a description or effect Example: â €Å"Or stand all night watering roses† From Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Personification- A figure of speech where an object is given human characteristics. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Terms specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Terms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Terms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Example: â€Å"The pitcher cries for water to carry† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Irony- A way to have a sarcastic expression. Example: â€Å"Or drown a bug in one spit of tobacco juice† From â€Å"Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Satire- Any literary work that makes fun of vices, follies, stupidities, abuses, or wickedness. Example: â€Å"I took a trunk out for her once, and she pretty near took my hide off because I didn’t treat it like it was a crate of eggs† From The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57-64)